
To contact the newsletter editor with questions, articles, or an offer to help, contact the current editor. In order to eliminate the cost of printing and mailing the newsletter, it is distributed by sending to the RHENA Listserv. If you would like to join the Listserv, please contact the Listserv manager.

Currently, the City prints and mails one newsletter per year per neighborhood for free, and we use that service to send the fall issue in which we announce the RHENA Annual Meeting.

Previous issues of the RHENA newsletter can be viewed by clicking the issue below.

Newsletter Sponsors

Before 2010, the City of Tucson (COT) funded one newsletter per month for registered Neighborhood Associations (NAs). Then the state of the economy forced the City to cut funding to one newsletter per year for each NA.

The RHENA Board believes that our newsletter is an important way to share information with the residents of RHE and to connect with new neighbors. So we approached businesses in and around the neighborhood to see if they would be willing to sponsor an issue of the newsletter, allowing us to publish 3 more newsletters per year. Some issues have been funded by individuals who live in the neighborhood.

If you own a business, maybe you'd like to sponsor an issue of the RHENA newsletter. Or if you frequent a business in or around RHE, you could ask the owner if they might be willing to sponsor an issue. It costs about $250 to print & mail, and we can include a small ad for the business in the issue they sponsor. Each issue reaches over 300 addresses. Some issues have been co-sponsored to halve the cost.

The following businesses and individuals have supported RHENA by sponsoring an issue of the newsletter. To thank the businesses for their help, consider using them if you need their type of service. And let them know we appreciate them!

Thank you!

  Newsletter Issue       Sponsor