Board of Directors

According to the Bylaws, the RHENA Board of Directors is made up of from 3 to 9 voting members of RHENA. Board terms are for three years. The table below lists the current board members, their terms, and email addresses so they can be contacted.

To remain a City-approved Neighborhood Association, the officers (President, VP, Secretary & Treasurer) register with the City each year. This allows the City to send notices about issues in and around the neighborhood for the officers to share with the rest of the board members and with the neighborhood.

Board of Directors Meetings

The Board meets regularly to discuss issues currently of interest in the neighborhood. Committees give reports on their activities, and issues in the neighborhood are discussed.

The day, time & location of board meetings is established by the board members. The board meetings are typically held at the home of one of the board members, and are open to residents of RHE. If you are interested in attending, please contact a board member to get the date, time and location of the meeting; someone will let you know if there is space available. If you would like to speak to the Board about a topic of interest to you, please let the Board know and see the Board Meeting Guest Guideline to become familiar with how the Board accommodates guest topics.

The board meeting agendas and minutes are not posted online. If you would like to see them, contact the Secretary. If you have a question about a specific topic, contact a board member, who will answer your question, or put you in touch with the appropriate person.

RHENA Board Members:

Board Members table for website.docx