
RHENA has a Listserv (email list) for residents, home owners & business owners in Richland Heights East. If you would like to be added to the list, or be removed, or have your email address changed, you can email the list manager. See Listserv User Guidelines for rules governing participation in the RHENA Listserv.

The Listserv was created to allow the residents of RHE to communicate with each other without having to know everybody's email addresses. The list was set up so that only people who are members of the list can send email to it (this helps prevent spam), and only the list manager can view the email addresses (this protects your privacy).

The list can be used for RHE residents to keep each other informed of criminal and suspicious activity in the neighborhood.

The list can be used to report lost and/or found pets and attempt to reunite them with their owners.

The list can also be used to share ideas, discuss issues, ask questions, request & make recommendations, etc.

To email this group, use We suggest adding the email address to your Address Book so you don't have to remember it. You must send the mail from the account that is on the list.

In certain instances a member can be removed from the list, or their account can be set to moderated. Examples include, but are not limited to:

When a member's account is set to moderated, all email from them must be approved by the list moderator before it is forwarded to the list.

All issues of the RHENA newsletter are sent to the listserv. The City pays for printing and mailing one issue per year to all addresses in the neighborhood. We use that to mail the fall issue, which contains the announcement of the RHENA Annual Meeting, so it will reach ALL residents, even those who are not on the listserv.