
Every RESIDENT, property owner and business located in Richland Heights East is automatically a member of the Richland Heights East Neighborhood Association (RHENA). A Voting Member is any adult resident, property owner, or owner of a business in RHE who has paid their annual membership dues of $20.00 per year per property.

Becoming a Voting Member is voluntary. Voting Members have the right to vote for board members and on issues brought before the Association. Each Voting Member has one vote.

We encourage you to pay dues to support your neighborhood. The money is used to fund the Spring Party, purchase supplies for graffiti removal and traffic circle maintenance, and cover other operating expenses. You can send or take your dues, to the Treasurer, Jon Miller, at 3443 N Jackson Ave. Checks should be made out to RHENA. If you pay in cash, please indicate who the dues are from.