We have a number of Committees working on issues in RHE. If you are interested in joining any of the committees listed below, please let a board member know; you will be welcome.
We welcome anybody who would like to help!
Standing Committees are defined in the RHENA Bylaws. These committees should be appointed within 90 days of the Annual meeting each year. They include:
Nominating Committee -- the Nominating Committee recruits members interested in running for Board positions each year. The Committee presents the slate of candidates to the Board prior to the Annual Meeting and conducts the election at the Meeting. This Committee is also responsible for filling positions that open mid-year.
Financial Review Committee -- the Financial Review Committee reviews the Treasurer's records prior to the Annual Meeting each year. The Committee presents its findings to the Board and then to the RHENA members at the meeting. This Committee is also responsible for reviewing the records any time the office of Treasurer is transferred from one person to another.
Ad Hoc Committies have been established over the years to handle specific objectives. They include:
Communications Committees -- These Committees work to establish and maintain communication among the residents of RHE using the following tools:
Listserv -- The RHENA Listserv (email list) provides neighbors a way to reach other neighbors without having to know everybody's email address.
Website -- This website.
Newsletter -- The newsletter is usually published twice a year. Articles by RHE residents or businesses are welcome.
Send an email to Sandy to be added to the listserv, or if you see problems or have suggestions for the website, or you'd like to help with the website, or if you would like to help with the newsletter or write an article.
Community Committees -- These Committees help bring the residents of RHE closer together as a community.
Welcome -- This group delivers Welcome Packets to new neighbors. Packets are assembled as needed. Contact one of the board members if you would like one for yourself or for a new neighbor. (Delivery time is dependent on availability of committee members.)
Activities -- This group helps plan a yearly party and other activities during the year. Contact a board member if you have ideas or would like to help.
Neighborhood Preservation Committees -- These committees are made up of groups that address issues that could affect the appearance, safety or livability of RHE.
Traffic Circles -- This group maintains the five traffic circles in RHE and the bump-outs at Lind/Campbell and Olsen/Ft Lowell, by trimming trees & bushes, picking up litter, and getting repairs made when necessary. If you want to report a problem or you would like to help, contact a board member.
Neighborhood Issues -- This group handles issues that could impact the safety and quality of life of RHE residents. Problems listed in the City of Tucson's Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance include: unsafe structures, public nuisance, junked motor vehicles, noise, graffiti, loud parties, accumulation of refuse & vegetation, illegal dumping, littering, weeds, composting, burning of refuse, and dumping on public property or on another person's property.
If you are interested in serving on the RHENA Board, or helping with any of the committees described above, contact one of the current board members.